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Basic Rules of Playing 99 poker online


The game of poker has been around for years, people of all ages. Thanks to the world of the internet, you don’t have to visit casinos to play poker. With technological advancement, you can play in the comfort of your home. After reading this article, you would be confident enough to kick start your gambling career. 

The 99 poker online game starts with giving two cards to each player and keeping five-card face up on the table. To win the game, you have to make a combination of the top five cards out of seven available cards. Each player will get cards from the dealer.

Before dealing with cards, everyone has to make a bet. The sitting position of the player is important as well. The player sitting next to the dealer is called the small blind. Whereas big blind is a side player, he has to bet twice the amount of small blind. Here are the following steps that you need to take while playing 99 poker online.

  1. Initial Combination of cards. 

In the initial combination of cards, where the pairs of cards have the same number of cards, they have high chances of winning the game.

  1. A Good Combination Cards. 

A good combination of cards is two consecutive J-Q-K cards or a pair of aces with a J-Q-K card. If you one of these combinations, you can keep on betting. Otherwise, do not continuously increase the bet value. 

  1. Give up and survive.

While playing poker you must know when to give up and when to take risks. Give up at the right time and face small losses. At the same time, take a careful risk to win big prizes. Decisions should be according to the cards you have. 

  1. Know your opponent.

It is very important to know your opponent while playing 99 poker online. You can do that by observing their moves. Based on that you can develop your strategies and deceive them. Don’t let your emotions interfere with your gaming skills. Even if you are having a bad combination of cars, you can still bully your opponents by betting high. Bluffing is a very important component of the game. Once you ace this, you can win 99 poker even with a bad combination of cards.

  1. Quick reaction. 

The presence of the mind is important while playing this game. You need to think and react quickly so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities. You need to respond quickly. The conditions of the game keep on changing quickly. 

Even though luck plays an important part in winning a 99 poker game. However, with a basic understanding of rules, you can win the game even if luck is not on your side. 

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